

The MaxRecall team looks forward to seeing you at TUG Connects 2022..
With 20+ years for experience within the Infor distribution space delivering document management and business process solutions, we understand your needs.
Our solution suites are fully integrated with Infor’s CSD, SX.e, IDM and A+ platforms.
Listed below are the sessions we will be presenting at. Please include us in your schedule.

Tuesday 9:15am Session 512
“Evaluating Document Management & Business Process Automation Systems”
In this session we will discuss how to compare features, benefits, implementations, and evaluate available solution suites to enable you to choose the best system for your organization.
MaxRecall can help you make sense of the “what”, “why” and “gotchas” when evaluating options for this critical enterprise system.

Tuesday 4:00pm Session 306
“Hands-on Lab – High volume document delivery to IDM with mxrIndexIDM”
Test drive the mxrIndexIDM hosted front end solution for automated delivery of 3rd party documents to IDM.
Experience bulk document processing for automated indexing and delivery to IDM using the mxrIndexIDM tool set.

Wednesday 9:15am Session 513
“Fully Integrated – CSD, IDM and MaxRecall’s WebAccess”
We will review use of CSD API’s, our Contextual App within the CSD WebUI Desktop, and mxrIndexIDM.
There exists a positive productive, fully integrated, interaction between WebAccess, CSD and IDM allowing the delivery and management of documents within WebAccess, IDM, or both.

The Diplomat Beach Resort & Spa
3555 South Ocean Drive
Hollywood, Florida 33019